Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.


Paying rent
Paying rent is an important part of your tenancy agreement with us as this money goes to pay for the services that we provide for you.
We ask that you set up a standing order to pay your rent as stated in your tenancy agreement. If you are experiencing financial difficulty paying your rent by the due date, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you suddenly find yourself unemployed or on a low income you may be entitled to financial help to pay your rent. To make sure you are getting what you are entitled to, please contact your local benefits office.
Rent statement
To request your rent statement - email Linda at linda.scudder@richardwatts.org.uk including your name and property address.
How to report a repair requirement
Report repair or maintenance issue during office hours Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm to:
Lee on 07436 561027 or 01634 842194, or emailing lee.knight@richardwatts.org.uk
If your call or email is out of office hours it will be dealt with as soon as possible.
We will contact you by letter, phone or email to arrange entry to your property to carry out any works or repairs giving you at least 48 hours notice where possible.
For emergencies please contact:
Gas leaks 0800 111 999
If you smell gas or think you have a gas leak;
Open all windows to ventilate the property
Do not turn on/off any electrical switches
Extinguish all naked flames, do not smoke, strike matches or do anything that could cause ignition.
Water leaks 0800 820 999
Electrical power cut 0800 316 3105
Security or personal safety 999 or 101
In the event of an emergency we do have the right under your tenancy to gain access in to the property.
What repairs do you have responsibility for as a tenant?
Keeping the property in a clean state and ensuring that the internal decorative condition remains at least up to the standard existing when you took possession. This includes the eradication of bed bugs and other infestations introduced into our properties.
Maintaining and cultivating the gardens of the property where applicable and generally keeping the gardens in proper and neat order. You are not permitted to cut down any trees or hedges on the Property without written consent from the Landlord.
Keeping fixtures and effects in their present state of repair and condition (wear and tear due to reasonable use excepted) and replacing any damaged items with similar articles, of equal value.
Car Parking
Our land is private property and tenants park at their own risk. Richard Watts do not accept responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles parked on our land.
Occasionally our contractors may use empty bays but they will display a valid parking permit and clearly show a telephone number to call should you wish them to vacate your space. They will respond immediately.
Ending your tenancy
If you wish to end your tenancy, please download and complete the Notice of Intention to terminate tenancy form.
You must give 28 days’ written notice and inform us of your new address at this time (as stated on the form).
Completed forms can be sent via email to admin@richardwatts.org.uk or by post to Richard Watts Charities, Administrative Offices, Watts Almshouses, Maidstone Road, Rochester. ME1 1SE.
We will acknowledge your notice and send you details of your rent account with us.
You must pay any money owed before you leave the property.
Before you leave, our Site Manager will carry out an inspection of your property. You will be charged for any repairs or damage you are responsible for in the property. You will also be recharged for the cost of cleaning the property after you have left, if we need to do this in order to re-let it.
All keys and parking permit if applicable should be returned to the Charity by the date your tenancy expires.
It is advisable to inform the following you are moving:
Housing Benefit Office – If you are receiving housing benefits
Utility Companies including electricity, water and gas – They will take final meter readings, issue a final bill and terminate the supply when you move out.
Telephone provider
Post Office – To redirect mail to your new address
Download Tenancy Termination Form