Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.
Watts Opening 8th & 9th September​
As part of the national Heritage Open Days event celebrating England's heritage and culture Watts Almshouses will open to the public on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 10am-4pm. Visitors can tour the grounds with a guide and view an almshouse; one of the original almshouses will be open where possible. You can also visit the exhibition in the Board Room and discuss the services provided by Watts Charities. Refreshments and home-made cakes will be on sale.

News - March 2019

Trustees busy with Grant-making
This month,Trustees made a number of grants - £500 to St Peter's Infant School to help fund a trip to the historic dockyard in Chatham, £1,400 to Carers First to support Carers' Week, £2,000 to support the work of the Open House Project and £2,170 to support course attendance amongst senior clinical staff within the Wisdom Hospice.
Trustees retire
This month sees two long-standing Trustees retire.
Mr Donald Troup has been on the Board for almost 50 years and is only now with diminishing health and stamina has he decided to retire. He has served on both the Finance & investments and Estates Committees, being Chair of the Estates Committee for 38 years. He even has one of the almshouse blocks named after him. Mr Brian Cox has been a Trustee for almost 14 years and served on both Finance & investments and Estates Committees. Grateful thanks go to both of them.